Saturday, April 29, 2006

Reminder for all Kansas City Brigade Fans...

Lovin' the rough and tumble game of arena football is all fine and dandy, but don't forget your momma in the process! Mother's day is coming up.

Resist the urge to buy her a brigade jersey or cap. Instead, consider a nice gift basket or maybe even some beautiful Mothers Day Flowers.

You may now return to your regularly schedule football obsession.

Friday, April 28, 2006

Feelin' Bad for the Brigade...

Let's be honest. These guys were rotten. Andy Kelly? Give me a break. Kelly LeBrock would have been a better QB (don't know who that is, look it up).

But, I like Neil Smith. I like Copeland's, too, although the crawfish etoufee isn't really that authentic. I'd like to send Neil a gift basket or something to make up for this horrible first year.

Sorry, Neil, maybe next season.