Thursday, August 30, 2007

Likens to Give Little Apple Speech

Steve Likens, the co-owner of the Kansas City Brigade (the guy who didn't play DE for the Chiefs and Broncos) is slated to give a presentation in Manhattan, KS, this September.

According to the Manhattan Mercury, Likens will be on the campus of Manhattan Christian College. Based on the brief calendar entry, the September 20 address will have a religious message of some sort.

It appears as if anyone is welcome, but you will need to follow and RSVP if you're interested in attending.

Here's the entry, as it appeared here in the Mercury:

"20 5th Annual Leadership Breakfast, 7:30-9 a.m. Community leaders come together on the Manhattan Christian College campus for breakfast and a faith challenging presentation. The featured speaker will be Steve Likens, co-owner of the Kansas City Brigade Arena Football Team. There is no charge, but an RSVP September 17 would be appreciated. RSVP by to [redacted--visit original source for contact email] or call (785)539-3571."