Saturday, November 11, 2006

Rocking animated header at Brigade home page...

I was just over at the official page of the Kansas City Brigade and noticed the header graphic. If you haven't seen it before, take a look. I don't know how long it's been that way, but I have never noticed, probably because I always scroll down right away.

Anyway, it features some B2's buzzing the Kansas City skyline and it is completely awesome.

Right now, the Brigade also have some of the new advertising materials up and running right now and that is worth checking out, too.

I don't want people to run away from my Brigade page to any other, but when it comes to the team's official HQ, I can make an exception. Head over there now. Check out the header, the new vids, and don't stay so long looking at all the cheerleader pictures that you start salivating on your keyboard, okay?