Thursday, August 16, 2007

KC Ad Firm Boasts of Brigade Affiliation

LE Concepts, a marketing and advertising firm, recently announced its plans to enter the lead generation field. In a recent press release, the folks at LE Concepts did the expected tooting of their own horn by mentioning some of their premiere clients.

The Brigade made the list of happy LE Concepts customers, along with the Royals and "numerous" not-mentioned-by name hotels and restaurants.

Hey, the press release itself is your standard bloviation, but it is cool that the LE crew gave a nod to its AFL client. The big question is what LE is planning to actually do for the Brigade as it enters its first season in the new Sprint Center. I love the Brigade (obviously), but have felt like their marketing approach has been a little too minor-league-y. Maybe LE and the other firms involved with AFL promotion in Kansas City will improve their efforts a bit next season.

Maybe LE should pitch Neil Smith on its ability to generate potential season ticket buyer leads?

Anyway, the press release is a bit of off-season Brigade news.