Sunday, May 21, 2006

How to afford those first row Brigade tickets?

If you are looking to upgrade your Brigade season tickets for next year and would like to grab some of those cherry first row seats, you will have to earn some big bread. I don't know if this is a good way to get richer in a hurry, but I have been told it's good investment advice:

Buying gold coins makes a lot of sense. Economic and political uncertainty make precious metals a neat idea for investors. They retain their value like nothing else and experts recommend having precious metals in one's portfolio as a hedge against market vagaries.

Many of us have thought about buying gold coins but don't really know where we should get the goods. Monex is a company that has been in the business since 1967 and has serviced over 100,000 precious metal investors. Its experience and steady history make it a solid choice if you are looking to find a way to protect your financial interests and/or to profit even more.

Those front row seats cost over a C-note a pop per game. Better get started now! And owning some precious metal might just help!